We are looking for nominations from parishioners for our Family of the Month Program. If you are interested in nominating a Family for this recognition, please submit the following information to Ben Janczewski via email at [email protected] in the Subject of the Email please put Family of the Month Nomination.
In order for your nominee to compete please include the following information for selection purposes.
1) Name(s) of the adult(s) of the household and all children and approximate ages if applicable.
2) As much information as you can about the Family’s involvement in Parish, Church and Faith activities. For example, the Family always attends the 9AM Mass, they participate in the Religious Education Programs etc. Please provide as much faith information as possible as this is what is used to distinguish one family from another.
We want and need your input we all know of a family that is deserving of this recognition. Simply send an email as stated above with your nominee. Please know that there is a wide range to the term family – a family can be one person to several and young or old. Use your knowledge and judgement when making the nomination.
We are also seeking parishioners that are interested in being a part of the selection process. Please let Ben know if you are interested.
"Raising a Christian family has always been a serious task. In an apostolic age, it is a missionary adventure." - From Christendom to Apostolic Mission